Brads Blaster 2D
This is my version of the 2D Shooter project. The modifications are as follows:
1) Added a new background and new music to the Main Menu.
2) Wrote instructional text and put it on the “Instructions” UI page linked to Instructions button of Main Menu.
3) Added button to Main Menu for a new level and linked it to a new level.
4) Added 2 more levels with increased challenges compared with the original 2.
Aesthetic Modifications
5) All 4 gameplay levels were given backgrounds not included with the original assets.
6) Changed the backgrounds of the “LevelWin” and “GameOver” screens.
7) Modified text of “LevelWin” screen of final level to “Congratulations, You’ve Won!!”.
8) Changed the font and colors of the “Score” and “High Score” text on the in-game canvas.
9) All 4 gameplay levels were given music not included with the original assets.
10) Composed an original music loop for the Main Menu screen using a keyboard, audio interface and the Audacity DAW.
11) Added a new challenge to the new final level of the game consisting of a red planet that bounces around off of the asteroid border and that destroys the player’s ship and ends the game if it collides with the ship.
11A) #9 involved writing a script to get the asteroid moving and to destroy the player’s ship upon planet collision. #9 also involved adding a collider to the planet and adding a bouncy material to each asteroid.
12) Produced a new game-over screen prefab for a planetary crash in the new “Final Level” scene.
12B) Wrote a script for the prefab noted above (#12) to instantiate that prefab upon planetary crash and linked its “Main Menu” button to the Main Menu.
CREDITS: Created by Brad Klein.
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